Kofta is a family of meatball or meatloaf dishes found in South Asian, Middle Eastern , Balkan, and Central Asian cuisine. In the simpl...
Gà Tần is a Vietnamese chicken stew dish made from a grey-footed variety of chicken that is stewed with medicinal herbs and eaten wit...
Rempeyek is a deep-fried savory cracker made from rice flour with other ingredients bound or coated by crispy flour batter. The most c...
Ping Gai is a popular Laotian dish of whole chicken marinated in black pepper, garlic, coriander root, fish sauce and salt that is co...
Many people often think soy sauce when Asian cuisine is in the conversation. But soy sauce is actually a byproduct of this soybean past...
Calling Takoyaki 'octopus balls' doesn't do justice to this delectable snack from Osaka. It is a popular Japanese snack mad...
Gulai is a rich, spicy and succulent curry-like sauce commonly found in Indonesia and Malaysia . Depending on the preference, the main...
Popular among the young people, Cha Houy Teuk is a Cambodian sweet jelly dessert made with agar agar, a gelatin that is derived from ...
Burmese love their "dry" noodle dishes that are actually noodle-based "salads" with broth served on the side. Perh...
Dolma means "any vegetable stuffed with a rice-based mixture" in Turkish . Lots of spices are used for the stuffing and you ...
Often paired with a meat or vegetable dish, Lemang is a Malaysian delicacy made through a combination of glutinous rice and coconut m...
Sai Oua is a popular type of sausage in Laos made from chopped pork and seasoned with ginger, lime leaves, garlic, fish sauce and sal...
Gimbap is a popular Korean dish made from steamed white rice (bap) and various other ingredients, rolled in gim (sheets of dried lav...
Usually during the winter season, Japan and Tokyo in particular is usually deluged with the nostalgic, nutty aroma of roasted sweet po...
In Indonesia, roasted pig is called Babi Guling or babi panggang / babi bakar especially in non-Muslim majority provinces such as Hind...
Traditional Chinese medicine rarely tastes this good. Yuen Kee Dessert's Mulberry Mistletoe tea is a delicately sweet Chinese desse...
When you visit the Cambodian seaside town of Kep, you will see why Kdam Chaa is their specialty. They have this bustling crab market w...
Khao Niew Moo Yang is grilled pork skewers and sticky rice in little bags that are available in all corners of Bangkok. Popular quick ...
Falooda is an adaptation of a Persian dessert that was brought to India by the Mughals. This rich drink is vermicelli mixed with milk...
Shish Taouk is a skewered chicken dish served with pure garlic paste, fries and pita bread that is hugely popular in Lebanon, Syria, E...